Risk Insurance is an integral component of a wealth creation strategy to protect you and your family’s future.
Accidents and illnesses are part of life. No matter how healthy we are, there’s always a risk of something happening that could catch us off guard. That’s why it’s important to plan for the future so that if the worst happens, your family and business aren’t left in financial difficulty.
Protecting Yourself Against the Unexpected
Our risk insurance specialists can help you develop an effective plan for protecting your loved ones, your business and yourself from the unexpected. With their help, you can rest assured that you have taken all possible measures to ensure your family and business are safe and secure – both now and in the future.
We can help you with:
Would your family cope if you were no longer able to provide for them financially, either through death or a terminal illness?
Trauma Insurance provides a lump sum payment should you suffer a medical-related trauma that significantly affects your life. For example heart attack or stroke.
Total and permanent disability (TPD) insurance provide a lump sum payment if you are totally and permanently disabled, which means that you’re unable to continue your ‘own’ or ‘any’ occupation.
Income Protection covers you if you’re temporarily unable to work due to injury or illness, allowing you to maintain your day-to-day living expenses during your recovery period.
If a key person dies or is diagnosed with a terminal or critical illness, it can have a significant impact on your business, potentially resulting in business failure. So it’s important to safeguard your business against potential lost of revenue or profits.
Business Expenses insurance pays a monthly benefit to cover fixed business costs if you suffer an illness or injury and are unable to work.
The main objective of a Business Succession Plan is to deliver a smooth continuation of a business, in the event of death, total and permanent disablement (TPD) or trauma to a key person.

Talk to Brent, your risk insurance specialist
To discuss your business or personal risk insurance requirements contact Brent Olszewski today on (03) 5331 3711 or submit an online enquiry.
PPT Financial Pty Ltd ABN 64 050 243 073 Australian Financial Services Licence No 252992
Director Representatives: Cameron R Moore, Peter J O’Connell, Tim R Hovey, Brent P Olszewski.