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8 ways to improve business cashflow

Are you always chasing late payments? Then don’t despair, there are plenty of things you can do to get your clients to pay on time. Here’s are 8 things you can try to improve your…

Tax Time: Are you in the ATO’s sights?

A consistent theme this tax time is overclaiming and under-reporting. With the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) getting more and more sophisticated in its data matching approaches, taxpayers can expect greater scrutiny where their claims are…

$30K Instant Asset Write-Off Reminder

Are you considering buying a new asset for your business?  Recently the Federal Government increased the instant asset write-off threshold to $30,000 and extended the initiative to 30 June 2020. So if you purchase a…

Tax Rate Reduction for Small Businesses

Small business is still a vote winner with the Government and Opposition teaming up to accelerate tax cuts for the sector by 5 years impacting on an estimated 3.3 million businesses.  Parliament recently passed legislation…

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